Entradas de la categoría Química del Suelo


[Se busca estudiante de maestría]

Se busca estudiante interesado en llevar a cabo un proyecto en el cual se pretende delimitar espacialmente la contaminación en suelos agrícolas y determinar su acumulación y disponibilidad para posteriormente estudiar los procesos que controlan la movilidad del contaminante en los suelos calcáreos y yesosos de Matehuala. ¡Además tendrás la oportunidad de viajar internacionalmente! VER …

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Do you want to be famous?

Do you want to be famous? Come and do sound research in Environmental Chemistry and publish your results in the most prestigious scientific journals. Are you ready? Get enrolled in this PhD project. Don´t miss this opportunity! Become an expert modeling laboratory experiments of natural relevance using the geochemical code PHREEQC and publish your results. …

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[Looking for a postdoc?]

A postdoctoral fellow is sought to work in the area of Environmental Chemistry in the project “Identification and characterization of calcium arsenate precipitates leading to and attenuating gross arsenic pollution in a calcareous shallow aquifer”. For related work read Environmental Pollution 176(2013)114-122. The candidate must be skilled in wet chemistry and spectroscopic techniques. The appointment …

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[Looking for a Ph.D. Degree?]


Interested in studying partially abroad? Here we have a tempting option for you. Come and do sound research in Environmental Soil Chemistry in a National Laboratory at IPICyT and visit Penn State University for six months taking advantage of the CONACyT international scholarships program. Learn transmission electron microscopy coupled with X-ray energy disperse spectrocopy (TEM-EDS) …

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