

Geociencias Aplicadas


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Como autor

1.-Martin, A.J.; Copeland, P.; and Benowitz, J.A.Muscovite 40Ar/39Ar ages help reveal the Neogene tectonic evolution of the southern Annapurna Ran...,Tectonics of the Himalaya, Geological Society of London ,Pp. 199-220, doi:10.1144/SP412.5.ISBN 978-1862397033, ·Inglaterra· ,2015

Como coautor

1.-Walsh, L.S.; Montesi, L.G.J.; and Martin, A.J. Coulomb stress transfer and modeled permanent vertical surface deformation from the August 2011...,The 2011 Mineral, Virginia, earthquake and its significance for seismic hazards in eastern North America, Geological Society of America ,Pp. 305-329, doi:10.1130/2015.2509(18).ISBN 978-0813725093, ·E.U.A.· ,2015

2.-Robinson, D.M., and Martin, A.J. Genesis of Himalayan stratigraphy and the tectonic development of the thrust belt,Compressional Tectonics: Plate Convergence to Mountain Building, American Geophysical Union ,Pp. 121-153, doi: 10.1002/9781119773856.ch5.ISBN 9781119773856, ·E.U.A.· ,2023
